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steven holding

Huzzah!!! The moment has finally arrived to raise a glass of wine, propose a toast, then celebrate and make merry for the crippling coma more commonly known as Winter appears to be OVER! Eagle-eyed visitors to the site may have also noticed that it has been quite a while since I’ve posted any new material on here (my last blog being the Halloween story SWIPE RIGHT way, way back in October 2021!) Regarding any potential queries about my whereabouts during this prolonged absence, if the truth must be told, I have spent the last five months clinging for dear life to my office radiator whilst my shivering, quivering body has been repeatedly smothered from head to toe in Deep Heat. Despite having to maintain this uncomfortable and undignified position, I’ve still managed to find time to regurgitate the odd bit of nonsense here and there, and the end of 2021 saw a smattering of my stories appearing online in FRIDAY FLASH FICTION, DARK MOMENTS and TREMBLING WITH FEAR. I’ve also had a couple of tales featured in the excellent collections PESTILENCE: DRABBLES ONE and ONCE UPON A DRABBLE from the superlative BLACK INK FICTION, whilst the beginning of 2022 saw another four pieces printed in the BLACK HARE PRESS anthology DARK MOMENTS YEAR THREE. Most recently, four of my drabbles have just been published over on the BLACK INK FICTION website, where they are currently running seven, separate hundred-word stories a week from an impressive and eclectic array of super talented authors. Each week's stories are based upon a specific theme and all of them are proving to be really rather good, so why not head on over there and check them out as soon as you can! There’s still more to report with quite a few exciting things in the pipeline for later this year, but the hour is getting late and both body and brain are exhausted, so until next time, here’s another little slice of micro-fiction especially for you…

JIM AND I by Steven Holding.

I’m the same as James, my (sleeping) partner in crime: in his eyes, there’s an identical reflection.

I handle tricky situations. Jimmy just sits back.

Dirty work gets done. His hands aren’t clean, but his conscience is.

That’s the beauty of our relationship. We want the same thing.

To win.



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