Scratched into the frost of my frozen car windscreen. I managed to decipher, transcribe and capture it before it melted away like disappearing tears...
GIZZ US A FLAMIN’ GO! by Den Ghostliven.
“Homicidal pink birds? Don’t be absurd!”
The next thing heard, a furious flapping of feathered wings, drowning our bloodcurdling screams. The avian attackers swooped down; a cacophony of caws, cackling like laughter, soundtracking the slaughter.
Who’d of thought a dream safari could turn sour so quickly? As the relentless beaks pecked, blood streaks splattered. It was a matter of fight or flight. We armed ourselves with otherwise harmless devices: walking sticks, parasols.
I grabbed my zipper and an aerosol, unleashing a napalm spray.
It f****d that flock right up.
Turns out that chicken ain’t the only finger lickin’ barbequed bird.
My patience is beginning to be tested. I consider myself quite a reasonable individual, but honestly, the joke is wearing ever so thin now Den. Please, for goodness sake, give it a blooming rest , eh? Thanks.